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Technical Support - Kilotech

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Taking Care of your Scale

Scales are sensitive devices made for use in specific environments, under certain conditions, and for specific applications. Misuse of the scale may cause permanent damage to the scale, serious injury to the user, or, in certain circumstances, be illegal. The following is a partial, but not exhaustive, list of common misuses and dangers where user liability, damage and/or injury (including death) could occur.

Do not connect an electrical device to an unprotected, non-suited or incorrectly wired electrical outlet.

Do not tamper with or modify the device.

Do not use a non-waterproof or unprotected scale in a very humid or corrosive environment or application.

Do not use a non-explosion proof scale in a potentially explosive or flammable environment or application.

Do not use a scale to weigh people when the scale has not specifically been designed for this use.

Do not use a laboratory balance on a production line or in a non-laboratory context.

Do not let untrained people or children use the device.

Do not use a non-approved and/or non-certified device in a “LEGAL FOR TRADE” application. (Consult Measurement Canada for more information on this subject).

Kilotech is not responsible and cannot control where, how or for what purpose the end user will operate the device. Unless specifically granted, in writing, Kilotech is not responsible for the words, actions or negligence, whether verbal or in print form, by its distributors, dealers or re-sellers, with respect to the use of its scales.


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